
2,000 years
of European history,
in one city


Franziskaner | Einspänner | Kapuziner | Melange | Obermayer

Popular from the 18th century with hard-up artists, writers and composers who used the coffeehouses as their extended living rooms, in particular during the cold winter months to save on heating costs (there's progress for you).

They were also a hive of political activity and a highly valued source of information where national and international newspapers were freely available and where political discourse was not censored (although Prince Metternich sent his spies into the coffeehouses). If you wanted to have your finger on the pulse of Vienna, then you would find it in the coffeehouses.

Coffeehouses were also a place for games (Leon Trotsky was a regular playing chess at the Cafe Central), for breakfast (Sigmund Freud at the Cafe Landtmann before lecturing at the university across the road) and for music.

Protected by the UNESCO (intangible heritage list) the coffeehouse culture of Vienna is unique and central to its identity.

Ordering a coffee
If you go into a traditional Viennese coffeehouse and order "a coffee" the waiter might give you a blank look. You need to be more specific. For example, you could order a Melange, which is one of the commonly consumed coffees in the capital (it's a white coffee with frothy milk on top). But if you'd like to try something different, then here is a guide (provided by the Fachgruppe Wien der Kaffeehäuser) to some of the other coffees you may find served in the Viennese coffeehouses.

Coffees served warm

Kleiner Schwarzer

A small black coffee.

Grosser Schwarzer
A large black coffee
(=a double Kleiner Schwarzer).

Verlängerte Schwarzer

A small black coffee (=Kleiner Schwarzer)
served in a large cup and topped up
with hot water (=not so strong).

Kleiner Brauner
A small black coffee served with cream.

Grosse Brauner
A large black coffee served with cream (=a double Kleiner Brauner).

Verlängerter Brauner

A small black coffee (=Kleiner Brauner) served in a large cup topped up with hot water and cream (=not so strong).

A small black coffee with hot water
and warm milk added and
finished off with frothy milk.
Served in a large cup.

Just like a Melange but topped off with
whipped cream instead of frothy milk.

Kleine Schale Gold

A small black coffee with hot milk finished with frothy milk.

Kaffee Verkehrt
A small black coffee with much milk added (=a milky coffee).

A small black coffee with a topping of whipped cream and a sprinkling of icing sugar. Served in a glass.

A large black coffee topped off with whipped cream.

Überstürzter Neumann
Whipped cream in an empty cup with
a large black coffee then added.

Cream is poured over the back of a
teaspoon onto a large black coffee.


A small black coffee served
with a shot of hot rum.

Maria Theresia
A large black coffee with a shot of
orange liquor and topped off with
whipped cream. Served in a glass.

Coffees served cold  

Wiener Eiskaffee

Cold black coffee poured over vanilla ice cream finished off with whipped cream.

Ice cubes are added to a large black coffee with a shot of cherry liquor. Served in a glass.

Gerührter Eiskaffee
Vanilla ice cream stirred until smooth with cold black coffee and whipped cream.

International coffees


A small black coffee with hot water
and hot milk added and finished
off with frothy milk and a
sprinkling of cocoa powder.

Cafe Latte
A small black coffee with a lot of milk
added and topped off with frothy milk.
Served in a high glass and with a long spoon.

Irish Coffee

A large black coffee with Irish whisky,
sugar and finally whipped cream.
Served in a glass.

Das Kaffee ABC. Wien: Fachgruppe Wien der Kaffeehäuser
Translation: Martin Bradley



"I have measured out my life
in coffee spoons."

T.S. Eliot
The Love Song of
J. Alfred Prufrock