
2,000 years
of European history,
in one city



of life

Vienna is one of the world's cities with the highest quality of life (see annual studies/statistics by Mercer and the Economist). One of the criteria for its high ranking: Vienna's public transport system. A vital part of the city's infrastructure and one of Europe's most modern: the first underground line opened in 1978 (there are now five lines, soon to be six).

An annual ticket costing €365 was purchased by more than 800,000 people in 2019.

If you want to see the city, get on a tram

In addition to its underground system Vienna has over 200km of tramlines making it one of the largest city-wide tram systems in the world, and an integral part of Viennese daily life.

And the great thing about the trams? Stay on them long enough and you end up where you started. It's impossible to get lost with a tram.


"The car has become
an article of dress without
which we feel uncertain,
unclad and incomplete
in the urban compound."

Marshall McLuhan
Understanding Media (1964)